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  • Change score pretty good game

    By bfsijcebhznjs
    games should go to 7 instead of 6 it’s more realistic
  • Recommendation

    By gabez420
    Love the game amazing! Only thing is on the game packs I think it’s a little to much to wait 8h for the pack to unlock and you don’t even get any good items. To be able to level up my guy. And for tournaments the rewards should be better after winning. I’m playing all these people who are 1000 plus. And I’m on level 20 I’m under 900 level. Just my recommendation better rewards and less time to open the pack. Or at least let me watch adds to knock off 8 hours
  • No game hackers

    I still have to give the game a five star, even though Mini Tennis seems to be a pandemic of people that cannot play without inserting a cheat code using mods or hacking, which is opponent after opponent after opponent I hardly play anybody that is not cheating. I refuse to cheat on this game because I love beating sorry no game hackers it doesn’t make any sense why people want to play with a hack just common sense why put yourself inside of a box by hacking you put yourself inside of a box in your sub, meeting yourself to a particular style of gameplay, which is whatever the hack is, you have to play to the hack, so it makes hacking our plane hackers at first irritating, as I carried on into the game and got better and better I saw that people that played with a hack or a mod or something of the search really can’t play the game Because the hack automatically takes their individual game play away in now I’m playing the hack, which is easy to beat if you understand what the hack is I don’t get it because some of the hacks know how to play the game and they don’t need a hack, but they still insert the hack so therefore, with playing with a hack makes your game weaker just based off the simple fact that if I had to play individuals that don’t play with the hack, each individual rings, a certain particular style of play that you would have to become a custom too simple but they seem to wanna play with the hack like that hack is not being inserted throughout the game over and over and over and over so you become custom and knowledgeable in how to play the hack plain simple, so I still give the game a five star rating, and I give hackers a big zero star rating learn how to play the game turn off the hack, learn how to play the game turn off the hack then you will find yourself in a competitive platform which I hope one day they will provide a platform for people that like to play video games without hacking but until then hack off no game hacks
  • Save your time and money and just play a different game

    By notthatbigadeal
    This game is a major letdown. At first, it seems fun and engaging, with easy wins that give you a false sense of accomplishment. But don’t be fooled—it’s all bots. As you progress, the game manipulates you into thinking you need to buy upgrades to improve. It’s a classic bait-and-switch tactic to get you to spend money. Save your time and money and just play a different game. This one isn’t worth it.
  • Playing against friends

    By I don’t knos
    I rate this game 4 stars because I really enjoyed it and me and my dad worked really hard on it so we could make it to level 5 so we could go against each other but when we both finally got to level 5 we tried to play each other but when we played the match it was very glitchy and it was very hard to play.
  • Fun game but one thing must be fixed

    By TheNerdySquid03
    I enjoy this game, I’m a level 27 and I enjoy climbing to higher ranks, but one thing has to be fixed: The Agitator. As I’ve gotten higher up I normally run into one of three characters, those being Miss S, The Lord, and The Agitator. In almost every match I play I face one of these three. The Lord and Miss S I have no problem with, they are normally quite easy to beat. The Agitator however is the most broken character in the entire game. The fact that he gets exponentially faster when he is 2 or more points down is pretty absurd. It would be ok if it was only a marginal speed boost, but if you manage to get up 3 points on him he essentially starts teleporting. If you must keep the speed boost, please make it less powerful. Also try to diversify the characters that people face as they progress, as I mentioned that I pretty much exclusively face Miss S, The Lord, and the Agitator in every match. The Agitator must be fixed though.
  • good but not perfect

    By dada鲁鲁修
  • Super Broken Match Balancing!

    By El Travieso XIII
    So let’s say you have a player that is rated 700 and you go on a win streak, then it’ll start matching you against bots that have players that are rated 2x even 3x your players level (e.g 1600-2000) It’s ridiculous and completely ruins the flow of the game. Please FIX this incredibly broken aspect of your game!
  • Nice game but one minor issue.

    By SAD...2
    It’s a fun game and all, very competitive, nice graphics and mechanics. But every game you play is against a bot not a real player, you can tell by the names, the profile picture, and the player’s pattern. Every player you play with has almost the same picture and it’s always portrait. You think you’re playing with real players but you’re not, one more issue, when you go on a winning streak for example, 8 or 9 streaks, you start playing with unbeatable bots and that’s real unfair. Thanks miniclip but you can do better
  • Fun but opponent is too weak .

    By Ron Rg 2016
    Having fun in this game , but please make the opponent bot harder , its to easy to win . I’m at level 65 no body can beat me .
