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  • khangdz

    By khang và dragon city
    như cc á ae đừng tải nha
  • Great game!

    By 𝓘 𝓴𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓪𝓹𝓹
    This is a 5 star game but there are people with very racist names, and cuss words that I think should be removed. All I’m saying is that many kids play this game and they don’t want to see people having the N-word as a name. Otherwise this game is one of the best games I have ever played!
  • Very fun and entertaining

    By David43578
  • Cheating/hacking

    By Kevin Jorgensen
    I couldnt figure out a way to contact the developer directly so im just going to post something here. People are hacking the game and cheating by playing cards when they shouldnt be able to making it unfair for everyone else. I have proof in my match history that they are cheating
  • Massive matching problem (update: hasn’t improved)

    By La Araucana
    Tragically this game, which would have ample potential, is hampered by a severe matching problem. In the last ten matches, for instance, I counted that I was matched 7 times with players at least a level above me, and 5 times (that’s 50%!) a full two (!) levels above me - with troops and castle health way above my own. I suspect that they simply don’t have enough players ascending the ranks and such a massive overhang of veteran players that they are forced to match vastly unequal players to still get matches going. Unfortunately, when the game is no longer about skill but about who has played it long enough (or paid enough) to get to higher levels than their opponent, it loses all its entertainment value and is reduced to a frustrating experience - and frankly, that is not what we play games for. Update mid-2024: still the same issues. I’ve since put in around $100-150 for various chests over the last several months - it’s otherwise impossible to upgrade cards to the higher levels - and still find myself consistently paired with players that have invested even more money than myself: out of ten matches, 2 players were one level above me, 7 (!) players two levels above me, and one 3 levels above me. Not a single opponent at my own level, let alone a level below me. That‘s neither fair nor fun.
  • Has a system to make you lose

    By Jellyfish are
    I have played this game for years I love the idea and the gameplay but the first 6 cards you get in the start determines everything I have realized that I get a better started cards when I make a purchase right before playing I got on insane 10 win streak then just fall and go below where I started I’m done with this game something else that’s really annoying is that I’m in castle 5 I had 1700 trophies I was really close to making it to castle 6 but then I kept getting placed against the same guy who had all cards from castle 8 7 and 6 people go down and lose on purpose to ruin other people’s trophie run overall great idea great gameplay but also a huge money grab when you lose a lot you would want to buy more cards so you can win but even if you have every card the system will just give you the ones that require the most amount of mana and you would be able to do anything
  • Great Game

    By Jared likes sausage
    Hard to earn gems and gets Pay To Win sometimes, but it is very fun game to play on freetime and alot to do
  • The matchups are unfair

    By SterlingArcher007
    This game will force you to lose on purpose. It is hands down the worst I’ve ever witnessed. I can use a group of cards to go from 3800 trophies to 5000 only to go back down to 3800 in less than 20 minutes even though my strategy and cards have not changed. Don’t waste your time.
  • Either dumb luck or…

    By tmcolby
    … a nerfing algorithm that makes it so you can all of a sudden lose 20+ in a row, dropping you back to where you were 6 months ago. Dumb luck is highly unlikely given the near statistical impossibility of that occurring. This programming makes it is impossible to advance. I suspect developers installed a nerfing algorithm for those of us who don’t hand over wads of cash. Makes the game not fun. Also, many of the other “players” come from countries that have and extremely small connected population, and in proportion to larger connected countries the numbers don’t seem to be realistic. It is making me think either (1) they are bots by the developers or, (2) the game has too many vulnerabilities. If the game were more random and you could make consistent progress, I would give it 4-5 stars, but with all that above it is an infuriating 1 star game.
  • Why castle crush is bad

    By hate castle crush
    So one day say u wanna play some castle crush so I do I win I play again I lose I said no I can’t play and I kept playing and I went to castle 5 to castle 2
